Thursday, October 21, 2010

Technology and Old Age

Well, I'm ba-a-a-ack, after more than a month since I've written anything--a month of lots of events, travel, busyness--you know, the usual stuff of life!

One of the things I've encountered is the marvel of technology in an IPad. It begs the questions--do I need it? Can I live without it? Can I actually LEARN how to use one!? I'm having one of those Big Birthdays this month, so maybe an new techie challenge would be good for my aging brain. At least it gives me a good excuse. And then, out of the blue, a friend slipped me a crisp one-hundred dollar bill at church last Sunday (hey! Perhaps my mentioning this will provide impetus to someone to attend church!)which immediately became the beginning of my "IPad Fund." Now, all I need is $400 more....

One of the reasons I think an IPad would be handy is that for creative writing, I absolutely depend on my computer -- an IPad would be with me wherever I go and I would be able to write when the muse strikes me. Have I convinced you yet? Stay tuned....!


  1. I'm a huge fan of Apple products, but I still don't really get the iPad. It seems to bridge the gap between a PDA and a computer. I'm not sure I could get used to the data entry via virtual keyboard, although for extensive typing I guess you can use an external wireless keyboard.

    The main thing with Apple products, however, is that they make you look impossibly cool. If you wear round John Lennon sunglasses with a beret, you'll achieve that elusive commercial/counter-culture mystique so important in landing lucrative book contracts.



  2. Hey, I'm about the same ilk as you when it comes to technology, and I want and iPad too! but i couldn't 'write my way out of a paperbag', so not sure I have a valid reason for getting one, other than trying to look cool and achieving some look that will only garner me side-glance looks !!
