Monday, August 15, 2016

She Walks Funny But She's Nice

During one of our seasons of living in Lima on furlough, Danny, who was around age five, was taking swim lessons that a friend arranged. She picked him up and brought him back most of the time, but once was unable to, so I went to get him. Danny excitedly wanted to introduce me to his swim instructor and took me around to the backyard swimming pool. He cheerfully announced, “This is my mom—she walks funny but she’s nice!” I’ve often thought that might have been a good book title!

On another note, in 1985—in the intense heat and humidity of a Paraguayan summer, following a period of discouragement from the many demands on my limited strength and mobility, I went to prayer and felt the Lord say:

“My child, rest in the Lord—I am your faith, I am all that you need. The enemy would rob you of my blessings by bringing discouragement. Resist him; praise me even in these difficult times for you. I know what I am doing. Someday you’ll understand. There are hosts in the heavenlies watching, observing you, and many here are viewing your life. You are a testimony to my work in you—and many are strengthened by your life.”

I pray and trust that has continued to be what people have seen – God's grace and sustaining power in keeping me going and giving me joy.

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