Wednesday, February 10, 2016

I'm Supposed to Blog Again!?

Well, after a very long hiatus, I'm back, trying out this blogging thing again. The main reason being that I've joined Jerry Jenkins Writers Guild (which is GREAT, by the way!) and he encourages all of us "wannabe authors" to get our feet wet by blogging, getting published in magazines, periodicals, etc. One of the principal motives as to why I quit long ago was because it seems to be very difficult to build up "followers." But, I'm not going to whine about that -- yet. I'll give it another whirl and see what happens first.

As a way of explanation: I am working on my own memoir--(do I hear quickly departing footsteps as you immediately think of something quite urgent that is calling you away?)

The title will be something like, "The Crystal Bell of God's Protection" and tells mainly the story of how I had polio as a small child and the long road God has brought me along to where I am today.

Here is a short excerpt:

 “In a daze we made little Connie ready.  She was quite lively and smiled as sweet as ever—like a little doll in her white dress with a touch of blue. She almost looked ready for heaven to us and it truly seemed as though we were taking her to her funeral as we went to that hospital…”

Very early in my life God provided a Crystal Bell for me, in His sovereign omniscience, knowing what would be needed to protect and keep me for my planned destiny. I was only a toddler but my heavenly Father could see clearly through the mists of time which shrouded the future. I would not be able to understand this until later."   

So, there you have it -- the first two paragraphs of Chapter One. Stay tuned for more...I hope. 

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